Pool Acid Wash Services for Wellington Residents
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Pool cleaning is part of regular maintenance. You remove your pool’s leaves, dirt, and garbage or junk. But what if the cleaning isn’t enough? This is the case when your pool has build-up and is full of grime and sediment. Your regular cleaning won’t cover this removal; with time, it will only worsen as it isn’t handled on time. At SoFlo Pool Decks and Pavers of Wellington, we offer pool acid wash for all pools in need. It will remove every piece of sediment from the bottom of your pool, and your sidewalls will be clean and shiny again.
Having your pool washed with this method is not always the solution. You may have grime and build-up in it, but you have to consider your pool type and if the finishing and coat you have will resist the chemicals.
Pool acid wash is about applying a mix of chemicals to the surface. It will make it easier to remove all the sediment but at the cost of removing part of your finish in the process. You won’t have to resurface or refinish, but with time and as you continuously perform the washing, you may have to.
This is why having professionals who can guide you is crucial. It will help in deciding whether the wash is possible or not. Meanwhile, they should be able to perform it properly. You won’t have to worry about how the washing is done or if your pool got too damaged.
Our role in this process is to cover everything mentioned before and give you more recommendations. We understand the scope of this option and when it is necessary. However, if you can avoid it or go for another solution, we will always let you know first.
Can You Notice When Pool Acid Wash Is Needed?
Absolutely. In real life, it is quite easy to realize when your acid wash idea is a must.
You should be able to see the bottom of your pool easily and how the water circulates normally. This is because the pool is clean, and all the sediment, algae, and build-up aren’t an issue. However, what if everything is green? Or maybe you cannot see the bottom as you should due to the grime and sediment? This is when the acid option comes to play.
You can consider the need when your pool looks really dirty. But this is the thing. It may not be entirely dirty but with build-up all over the surface and finish. As a result, you cannot enjoy the feature properly.
What acid washing will do is remove all the grime and sediment. Any dirt or residue you know is affecting your pool’s appearance and hygiene will be removed. This is thanks to how the mix of chemicals acts. They fix themselves into the grime and sediment, making brushing and removal easier.
If you are experiencing any of these problems or “symptoms,” then consider contacting us for this washing option:
- Your pool is green and you cannot see the bottom. Instead, the algae built up and it is now quite dirty.
- Your inner walls look dirty due to all the grime or dirt building, yet you cannot remove them with cleaning.
- Any type of grime or dirt that cannot be removed without draining the pool will most likely lead to needing acid washing.
- If it looks like a natural pool—greener than it should—come to us.
How Does This Washing Process Work?
The mix of chemicals that is applied to the pool is the key. You cannot just come up with chlorine and multiple substances. They will most likely create an undesired result that can lead to intoxication.
To get this washing done, we use hydrochloric while it is combined with water. Some other chemicals are included depending on how much grime and sediment built-up in your pool. However, none of them will create a negative reaction during the mix. Also, the concentration is very low and enough to make a difference during the washing.
Once we have all the mix, we must spray it in the pool. This includes the areas where the grime is dense and those where it isn’t. This way, we can leave it sticking to the grime and sediment for a few minutes. Our team will proceed to brush and scrub out the staining and all the dirt in your pool.
All the algae and staining will be removed easily thanks to the chemicals and mix applied beforehand. However, while brushing and scrubbing, it is natural to remove some of the finish of the inner walls as the chemicals also stick to this part. It won’t significantly damage your pool, but frequent pool acid washing should be avoided so refinishing isn’t required.
Can This Pool Acid Wash Remove Your Grime & Stains?
There are a few things that cannot be removed. Thus, we are confident you will find good options while relying on this acid alternative.
If you have magnesium stains, copper stains, algae everywhere, and hard water stains, they won’t be issues. Algae is common, considering the environment the pool creates, but what about the rest?
Copper stains and magnesium ones usually occur due to your water. If it is high in minerals, you will quickly have those stains all over your surface. Discoloration and making grime build faster are also consequences of this water.
As for hard water, the same occurs. The calcium deposits that take place because of it will be on the edge of the pool and you usually see white stains that get darker with time.
Common stains or cleaning involving dirt and removing junk aren’t part of acid washing. Or it shouldn’t, at least.
Our SoFlo Pool Decks and Pavers of Wellington team will help you determine if you need the service. If you do, an estimate will be provided along with a timeline for which we will get the service done. Usually, a day is good enough for us to drain your pool, wash it, and fill it again.